Type: 4wd'ing +
Location: Taponga River, Big river state forest
Dates: 3-5 March 2017
Weather: Perfect. 28 & sunny each day.
Crew: Mofo Crew
Key Tracks Hit: Newmans Track
Vehicles Used: Paj & Pathy
Distance Travelled: 400km
Campsites: The Pines
Fishing: 1x brown
Gear Purchased: Merrell Maipo
Gear Review: Great river shoes for trout fishing. Fantastic grip and good comfort level. Takes a little longer to dry completely than i thought, but its like wetsuit material so it doesnt matter. Awesome slip grip and good comfort level.
Food: Jeepers, where to start... A highlight. High quality hot dogs, bacon and eggs, hamburgers, vasio with homemade chimicuri sauce with roast potatoes & blanched beans, dimmies. stonercones.
Report: Didnt get out 4wd'ing much because my car is f'ed. Something wrong with the front left wheel when putting in 4HLc and going up hill a random knocking noise occurs. Didnt want to push the car in case something went kaput, so need to take it to Mr Mechanic. Booo. We did however go up Newmans track at night for some night 4wd'ing. That was unreal!! Need to do that more often.
Campsite was wicked, river was pristine. Would have been nicer to have caught more fish, but it didnt matter as the time spent not fishing was spent in the water/by the campfire. Too much fun and perfect place to chill fromt he rest of the world.
Rating: 9/10
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