Monday, July 31, 2017

The Boys

Type: 4wd'ing + hiking + camping
Location: Rubicon, the Boys.
Dates: 28 - 30 July
Weather: Cold but fine.
Crew: Toon, Ross, Nick, Willo, Huggett
Key Tracks Hit: N/A. Tracks closed.
Vehicles Used: Paj, Pathy & Huggetts new Hilux
Distance Travelled: 300km
Campsites: The Boys.
Fishing: N/A Rivers closed.
Gear Purchased:

  1. Kings 9" round spotties. Awesome. Pretty easy to install, and worked a treat to light up the dark road ahead on the Friday night drive up. 
  2. Oricom handhelds. Worked crisp. Fine. 
  3. Illuminator led waterproof strip. Works as needed. 
  4. Huggett's 4wd. He can comment on that...

Gear Review: As above.
Food: Dirty maccas, dimmies, chicken stripies, homemade farm bacon, eggs, snags and slow cooked pulled pork shoulder, ross' slaw, 2 minute noodles, fizzers, zappos, stoner cones.
Report: Awesome location given proximity from Melbourne. Nice get there quickly and return home pretty soon after packing up. Only annoying part is that everyone else makes their way their too, so no chance of being alone here. Perfect river on your doorstep for fresh water and fishing. Hike up Mt Torbreck was the highlight of this trip. Halfway up you start to get snow, and by the time you're on the top its 40cm+ deep in areas. Weather was perfect, even though Melbourne was reportedly getting whacked with severe winds. I did manage a little fun in a bog hole and eneded up getting stuck. Had to winch out - thanks trusty Runva! Food as always was a highlight when eating it, however this time it played funny buggers afterwards and a few got sick. Was it the dimmies or the chicken big macs, or just the booze? Eitherway, i think no more camping dimmies, but im sure maccas and beer hiatus will be rather short lived.
Rating: 7/10. Sickness, migraines, no 4wd & fishing reduces score. The rest was perfect.

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